Quality Element 6: Staffing & Professional Development

/Quality Element 6: Staffing & Professional Development
Quality Element 6: Staffing & Professional Development 2019-02-07T16:20:02-05:00



A quality program employs staff and volunteers who value each youth, understand youths’ developmental needs, and develop working relationships with coworkers, youth, families and caregivers and other partners.  A quality program supports the professional growth of staff and volunteers by providing ongoing professional development that bolsters the knowledge and skill necessary for implementing best practice programming.


Featured Resource

Making the Most of Staff Meetings

There may not always be time for a full day of professional development.  Click 2 Science’s meeting resources will help you make the most of your staff meetings by incorporating staff training into each meeting.


Expanding Horizons: Professional Development Asia Society

Afterschool Academies Guidebook for Action – Foundations, Inc. 

Making Parents/Families Feel Welcome and Valued – BOSTnet

Engaging Families in Out-of-School Time Programs Toolkit – BOSTnet

Identifying Staffing Needs and Recruiting Qualified After-School Staff – Policy Studies Associates, Inc.

Mandated Reporters: Critical Links in Protecting Children in Georgia (free online course)

Self-assessment for Administrators of Child Care Programs – The North Carolina Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development

The Impact of Peer Networking on Out-of-School Time Staff – Out-of-School Time Resource Center

Using Professional Development to Enhance Staff Retention – Afterschool Matters

GUIDE’s Team Building Activities and Icebreakers

Know Thyself: Developing Your Inner Leader – National Afterschool Association

Build a Solid Team – National Afterschool Association

Get Your Staff Motivated – National Afterschool Association


Research & Best Practices

Planning Considerations for Afterschool Professional Development – Afterschool Matters

Empowering Youth Work Supervisors with Action Research Strategies – Afterschool Matters

Afterschool Professional Development: Resources, Outcomes, and Considerations – New York Statewide Afterschool Network

Human Resources: Staffing Out-of-School Time Programs in the 21st Century – Afterschool Matters

Using Professional Development to Increase Staff Retention – Afterschool Matters

Assessing Bullying: A Guide for Out-of-School Time Program Practitioners – Child Trends

Afterschool Professional Development: Resources, Outcomes, and Considerations – New York Statewide Afterschool Network

How Program Administrators Can Support Out-of-School Time Staff – Child Trends

A Network Wide Approach to Professional Development: Professional Development in Out-of-School Time – Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal

Promising Practices in Out-of-School Time Professional Development – University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice


Professional Development

Preparing Yourself to Facilitate STEM (Learning Module) – Click2Science

Meeting Resources – Click2Science