Quality Element 1: Programming & Youth Development

/Quality Element 1: Programming & Youth Development
Quality Element 1: Programming & Youth Development 2019-02-07T13:23:43-05:00



A quality program designs and implements a flexible, well-rounded daily schedule that supports the physical, social, and cognitive development of all youth by providing programming and activities that are well organized, developmentally appropriate, and offer opportunities to gain new knowledge and skill.


Featured Resource

Giving Youth Control

How do you know when to step in and when to observe and let youth control the learning experience? Click2Science provides learning modules, training and coaching resources, and activities to help staff answer this question in various settings.


The Connectory (STEM Resources and Partnerships)

Engineering is Elementary (STEM Resources)

Experiential Learning Toolbox UC Davis


Global Learning Quick Sheets, Handouts, and ToolkitsAsia Society

Global Oneness Project (Lesson Plans)

NASA Wavelength (Lesson Plans)

Youth Leadership in Action CurriculumJ.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development

howtosmile  (free STEM materials and resources)

Expanding Horizons: Building Global Literacy in Afterschool Program  – Asia Learning Society

Youth Involvement in Prevention Programming  –  Advocates for Youth

Youth Leadership: Recommendations for Sustainability –  Advocates for Youth

Ten Activities to Improve Students’ Self-Concepts  –  Education World

Teen Advisory Guidebook  – David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality

Engaging Youth: A How-To Guide for Creating Opportunities for Young People to Participate, Lead and Succeed  – Sierra Health Foundation

Afterschool Materials GuideYvonne & Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center of the University of South Carolina

Make a World of Difference: 50 Asset-Building Activities to Help Teens Explore Diversity (Book) – Dawn Oparah

Assessing Self-Regulation: A Guide for Out-of-School Time Program Practitioners – Child Trends

Teaching Tolerance (Resources & Curriculum) – Southern Poverty Law Center

Adobe Youth Voices Career Toolkit –  Adobe Youth Voices

Cooperative Learning Guidebook – David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality

Essential Self Management Skills: Summary of Research – Child Trends

Youth Development Guide: Engaging Young People in After-school Programming – Community Network for Youth Development

Beyond the Classroom: Creating Pathways to College and Careers for Latino Youth – National Council of La Raza

Youtube STEM Resources – National Afterschool Association

Level the Field in Computer Science with Girls Who Code – Afterschool Alliance

Raising a Generation of Innovators: The How and Why of Promoting Creativity in Children – Afterschool Alliance

Lego Education


Research & Best Practices

The Effect of Afterschool Program Participation on English Language Acquisition – Afterschool Matters

English Learners and Out-of-School Time Programs – Afterschool Matters

Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental FrameworkThe University of Chicago

Leave Them Wanting More!: Engaging Youth in Afterschool The Harvard Family Research Project

Afterschool Programs That Follow Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Social and Emotional Development are Effective (Article) – The Expanded Learninand Afterschool Project

Leave Them Wanting More!: Engaging Youth in Afterschool (Publication)  – Harvard Family Research Project

Ready for Work? How Afterschool Programs Can Support Employability Through Social and Emotional Learning  – American Institutes of Research

Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework (Recorded Webinar)  – Afterschool Alliance

Core Principles for Engaging  Young People in Community Change  – The Forum for Youth Investment

Digging into Research: Interest and Identity in STEM (Recorded Webinar)  – Afterschool Alliance

Digging into Research: Gender Equity in STEM (Recorded Webinar)  – Afterschool Alliance

Youth-Adult Partnership Rubric  – Michigan State University: University Outreach and Engagement

Identifying and Supporting Productive STEM Programs in Out-of-School Time Settings (Publication) – National Research Council

Children of Latino Immigrants and Out-of-School Time Programs – Child Trends

Incorporating Technology into Out-of-School Time Programs: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies – Child Trends


Professional Development

Click2Science (Learning Modules)

STEM After School: How to Design and Run Great Programs and Activities – The After-School Corporation (TASC)

How Cross-Sector Collaboration are Advancing STEM Learning – Expanded Schools

Afterschool Training Toolkit  – National Center for Quality Afterschool