Quality Element 2: Linkages with the School Day

/Quality Element 2: Linkages with the School Day
Quality Element 2: Linkages with the School Day 2019-02-07T13:40:52-05:00



A quality program communicates and collaborates with school personnel to ensure that afterschool programming and activities complement and support school day learning, support performance standards, and build strong content knowledge and academic skills in youth.


Featured Resource

Connecting School and Afterschool: 15 Ways to Improve Partnerships

This resource, developed by the National Institute on Out-Of-School Time, United Way of Massachusetts Bay, and Nellie Mae Education Foundation, provides strategies and helpful tips for improving partnerships between school and community based organizations.


Using Afterschool and Summer Learning to Improve Literacy Skills – Expanded Learning & Afterschool Project

Afterschool Training Toolkit: Homework Help – SEDL

Well-Designed Homework Time as a Quality-Building Aid in Afterschool – Expanded Learning & Afterschool Project

How Global Afterschool Programs Can Support Common Core State Standards – Asia Learning Society

Implementing the Common Core in Afterschool with Y4Y (Recorded Webinar) – You for Youth

Homework Help – David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality

Partnerships for Learning: Resource Guide for Building School-OST Program Partnerships – Harvard Family Research Project

Time to Act: Making Data Work for Students – Data Quality Campaign


Research & Best Practices

Connecting High-Quality Expanded Learning Opportunities and the Common Core State Standards to Advance Student Success – Council of Chief State School Officers

Structuring Out-of-School Time to Improve Academic Achievement  – Institute of Education Sciences


Professional Development

Bullying Prevention Program and the Common Core Standards – Clemson University

Linking School and After School: Strategies for Success (Article)Harvard Family Research Project

Competency-Based Education ResourcesAmerican Youth Policy Forum

Year-Round Learning: Linking School, Afterschool, and Summer Learning to Support Students (Publication)Harvard Family Research Project

Afterschool and the Common Core State Standards (Issue Brief) – Afterschool Alliance

Transition to School and Afterschool (Video) – Harvard Family Research Project

Putting Summer to Work: Getting a Head Start on the Common Core – Summer Matters

The Common Core Standards: What Do They Mean for Out-of-School Time? – the Forum for Youth Investment

Afterschool Training Toolkit: Involving Day Schools, Families, and Communities – National Center on Quality Afterschool

A Community Toolkit to Address and Eliminate Chronic Absenteeism – U.S. Department of Justice

The In-School and Afterschool Social and Emotional Learning Connection: A Planning Tool – American Institutes of Research

Linking Schools and Afterschool Through Social and Emotional Learning – American Institutes of Research

San Francisco Afterschool For All Resource Guide–  San Francisco Afterschool